Professional Salon Website with Optios: discover the benefits of the PRO Website!

Are you looking for a professional website for your hair or beauty salon? At Optios, we go beyond offering a software package for salons. Our new PRO website offers an array of advanced features to take your salon to the next level, all without any technical knowledge. Find out here why the PRO website is a must-have for any hair or beauty salon owner looking to do customer acquisition and retention.

Why choose the Optios PRO Website?

Have you always dreamed of a professional website that perfectly reflects your salon? Optios makes it possible with the PRO Website. Here are some reasons why it's worth it:

  • Freedom in design and content: Create a website that suits your style.

  • Integration of online appointment module: Make it easy for customers to schedule appointments online.

  • Extensive range of features: More than just a basic website, the PRO Website has everything you need.

  • Self-manageable and customizable: Keep control of your online presence.

  • Show customer reviews: Let satisfied customers speak for your salon.

Discover the functionalities of the PRO Website

1. 📸 Unique design with beautiful visuals

Give your salon a unique look by adding text boxes and photos wherever you want.

2. ⭐️ Reviews

Display your customer reviews on your website. Positive reviews attract new customers.

3. 📕 Personal Menu

Determine the items and order of your menu structure and submenus. Personalize your website based on what makes your salon unique.

4. 💸 Price list

Create a clear online price list that is easily customizable. Customers can book directly after viewing the treatments.

Discover our formulas

At Optios, you decide which website package best suits your salon. We offer solutions that fit your specific needs. There is a monthly fee for domain name hosting, in addition you can have your website designed by us.

If you are a digital genius, you can build your own website.

For those who prefer to have a professional do the work, we have two formulas to choose from: the Build package and the Growth package.

And that's not all! We even give you the option of hiring a professional photographer. This way you can obtain images that perfectly reflect the look of your salon on your website.

If you want to learn more about our packages or need help making a decision, let us know. We're ready to help you further. Explore options for your salon today!

How does it work?

Want to see the PRO Website in action? Schedule a digital meeting today and discover all the possibilities it offers for your salon.


Enhance the salon experience with an online POS system


Save Time and Plan Smartly with an Online Calendar